Energy-Intensive Industries Exemption Scheme
If your business consumes large volumes of energy, the Energy-Intensive Industries exemption scheme could help you to remain competitive in a global market. When a company qualifies for the scheme, it can claim an exemption of up to 85% of its Contract for Differences (CfD), Renewables Obligation (RO), and Feed-in Tariff (FiT) costs
There are multiple criteria for the EII exemption scheme, all of which must be met. Your business could qualify if the following apply:
• Being in an energy-intensive sector
• Prove that your electricity costs amount to 20% or more of your Gross Value Added over a specific period
• Prove that the business is not experiencing financial difficulties
• Provide at least two quarters’ worth of financial data
• Highlight how much of the electricity used goes on activities that would apply for the exemption
If you’re interested in finding out more, call our Yorkshire office on 01482 235575, our London office on 0207 885 0605, or fill in the contact form below.
Tagged as: Tax & Expenses
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